Tuesday, November 14, 2006

i wanna cry

I can't begin to explain the complexities or depth of my current state of affairs. Oh, I could, I ramble a good game. But I'm so depressed by the circumstances that I don't even feel like it.

Coffee guy: Let's see, one day speak of how he is going to propose to me(not that I asked or WANTED him to mind you!) have amazing fantastic chemistry on intellectual, spiritual and physical levels then he goes absolutely crazy and appears to develope completely different personality. Not kidding, it's actually worse, much worse, than I'm writing.

Republican: Provides lovely conversation and amazing dinner. Is many a woman's dream guy, but absolutely no chemistry. And did I mention that Republican part?

Life in a small town: Freaking sucks. Sucks even more because I never wanted to be here. I don't care how cute it is, it's claustrophobically small and I've done my time. I want out. Yeah, yeah those mountains aren't they pretty? Can I get some shoreline already? Stick a fork in me, I'm done.

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