Thursday, November 16, 2006

the sun'll come out tomorrow

Actually, it's going to rain. But I like myself a little rain so I don't mind.

Today is my baby's birthday. She is five years old. Wow. My youngest child is five. I don't think I ever saw that as a possible reality. I wonder if I'll ever have another baby. Life is unpredictable in so many ways.

Last night when I was leaving for a meeting she said, "If I fall asleep upstairs will you bring me down to your bed so I can wake up with you when I'm five?" Oh my gosh, break my heart in a million pieces. :)

She's off to a terrific start today. She experienced the first bonus (material guilt) of divorced parents last night when her daddy took her to the store let her choose her own birthday present from him even though she knew she already had a stack to open at home. She's shrewd, that fourth child. She went to school loaded with goodies for her party there.

I always let the kids choose what they want for their birthday dinner, so yesterday at the market she assured me she would only eat cake and ice cream sundaes for dinner and then used logic to stand her ground by repeating, "Birthday kids choose the dinner, you made the rule!" over and over until I just gave up. We're having cake and ice cream sundaes for dinner.

Tonight is technically the kids' night with their dad, but we're having an early family birthday party and she can't physically stop herself from jumping up and down.

Happy, happy birthday my baby love. You are crazy in the best of ways. I love you, darlin'.

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