Friday, November 24, 2006

sunday morning

Yeah, yeah, I realize it's Friday, but after my last two days I'm definitely feeling a Sunday vibe. I'm not sure if I mentioned this or not - wait, I think I did - but I went out to my car Wednesday night and it wouldn't start. Then I just sort of said, "Screw it," to myself and went back in the house for a couple of days. From there, my Thanksgiving holiday got very exciting!

My original plan for the last couple of days was to clean, clean and clean some more. Organize the heck out of the house and only then indulge myself in reading and knitting and good American tv watching. Here is what I actually did. I sat on my sofa for two days. Literally. I'm not kidding folks, I even slept here. I'm not sure how I'm going to get the indentation of my lovely touche out of the cushion. My sustenance of choice was popcorn and milk - don't ask, I have no answer - and I reached my goal of watching every tivo'd show I've missed for the past month.

Then I called my kids and told them they could stay in CT for an extra day which meant they could go to their cousin's laser tag party. Apparently I'm now mother of the year and yet with them being two states away, I can't receive my thank-you hugs in person.

I thought going to the movies would be a good diversion today, but then there is the darn car thing. I hadn't called AAA before now because I didn't want to interrupt any one's holiday, but now I need to leave my house. I really need to leave my house, people! I called a couple of hours ago, but it's a small town, only one tow truck, blah, blah. And when they do get my car to the garage, it's going to be closed for the entire weekend so I have no hope of driving until Sunday when ex's car is here while he finishes up his weekend with the kids. I think I'm calling the rental car place. Well, assuming the ONE rental car place we have in town is even open and they even have a car.

The thing I most need to do is shower, but I can't do that because I'm waiting on the mysterious AAA arrival. I think I'm going to throw caution to the wind and shower anyway because I'm such a renegade. God, I miss my kids. There is only so much silence and forced alone time one can take.

The guy I broke up with is apparently heartbroken and thinks I'm crazy for leaving him. I'm not so sure now. You just can't be with someone because they are good on paper and heavy on the paper money. I do feel like there is something terribly wrong with my dating genes though because my first two times out were not great positive experiences. Dating sucks people!

Screw it all, I'm taking a shower. A long, hot, may never get out of it shower!

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